Monday, June 9, 2008

"Aw Kuato, ya won't see him no more."

It's Mon., 5:50PM, and we just talked to Dino's surgeon, Dr. Norton. Kuato is now history (all 30 pounds of him!) Dino went in at 10:30AM this morning so the whole surgery took about 7 hours. We won't be able to see him tonight - the doctor said he'll probably be out for at least 24 hours.

I don't have a lot of specific info because we only had a short visit with the surgeon. By tomorrow morning, I assume that we will have talked to Dr. Charlotte Jacobs, the oncologist who is overseeing this whole thing. Suffice it to say, we all just exhaled - and life at this moment is very good. I promise that by tomorrow I'll have plenty of info for all of you wonderful friends. As soon as I hear it, I'll pass it on to you. The only specifics right now are that, while they got all of the tumor, there were several areas that will require chemo because they didn't want to radiate them. My sense is that Dino is out of rough water and on his way to a healthy recovery.

So - let's regroup tomorrow. Until then, we love each and every one of you.

Dick Scoppettone
(Dino's dad)


VocalNurse said...

30 Pounds? Good God!

Rest well Dino and we'll hear from you soon...


Anonymous said...

Goodbye your crazy martian! Your rebellion is over!

Priscilla said...

WHOAAAAAAAAA - amazing! Great news, thanks for the update - can't check the blog enough times during the day! Glad Dino's doing ok after surgery and that they were able to remove so much of this thing! KUATOBEGONE!!!! Hang in there, Big D!!!! We love you!

Unknown said...

30 pounds? "Look at the size of that thing..."

Kuato, kicked to the curb. Awesome!

Rest up Dino - the Azzuri are clearly lost without you :)

kkbirdhouse said...

That is incredibly good news! And,it's only going to get better! Love to Dino, and all of you.
kathyk & gang

todirct said...

YEAH! Incredible news, and if any of your saw the Facebook photo I put up of Dino in the hospital you would have seen him and a 30 pound Kuato poking out.

Monica Martin said...

Geez, 30 lbs...that's like having sixtuplets inside of you! My dear Dino, you are a trooper. Sending you a big hug and lots of love. Dick, thanks for keeping us updated!

Idunnowhatiamdoing said...

Hi Dino -- from one of the original "Mirror Image" groupies! I wanted to let ya know that there are lots of folks out here pullin' for ya -- even some you may not know or recognize. You are in our thoughts, and we are so happy to hear that you are out of surgery and into recovery. Someone told me that a propane tank for the BBQ weighs 30 lbs. That is a crazy lot of weight, dude. WHat a relief! I realize you still have a road to travel, but we are happy to hear the good news so far and will be right here pulling for you all the way. Sweet dreams; rest well! -Nancy

Andi Love said...

All our love Dino. I hope you and your family are hanging in there. Thank you Dick for the updates. It's been a looooonnnngggg weekend. We'll look back tomorrow.
Love to all!

Unknown said...

30 pounds? 30? Are you kidding me? No, this is no joking matter. Adios to old Kuato. Good effing riddance.

Dino, a new day begins. The prayers and thoughts get stronger as Kuato has been dispatched.

Stay strong. Be joyful for EVERY day. Be hopeful, because we WILL be victorious.

Your friend, Bill Mahoney

Jenee said...

Um, yeah... that's going to leave a mark. Way to kick Kuato's ass seabass! Here's a big "atta boy" for you (I'll even include the obligatory slap on the ass with that one). Get some rest. I want to come visit, but I can't do that when I can just verbally abuse you without a fair fight. So suck it up and get better fast, otherwise it'll be like when we golf and you don't even have a chance against my stellar swing. :)

You're my hero right now big D -- rock on with your bad self.


Francesca Giessmann said...

Auf Wiedersehen Kwato!
sending healing vibes ...

Unknown said... is of no surprise that you are on the road to defeating this beast, quite handily. Now that your little friend is a goner, you have to prepare for the "take your medicine" phase which hopefully will be administered with a spoonful of sugar by a naughty and hot nurse. I had a McDreamy at Stanford (he was married, and tied his wedding ring to his scrubs - which made him even cuter!) and somehow hot doctors make it just a little easier sometimes. Because when they're at Stanford you know that they're hot and SMART! Sadly I didn't find the triple threat though - hot, smart, and single.
I digress...reading the news of this little Gremlin getting its party shut down is so worthy of celebration. For now we will celebrate via your blog and send you all the electronic love we can gather. I can't wait to have a real party and toast to this MF'er being wiped out.
Bravo. You did this with tenacity, courage, and authority.
I am so proud to have you as my friend.
Love from the US Open...amy b.

Unknown said...

Great news. Here's to Dino and his family for showing such amazing strength.

I remember Dino saying he wanted to lose a little weight, but 30 pounds? Wow.

Billy Ramirez said...

30 pounds?!

A few Taco Bell visits and you'll get them back, no sweat.

By the way, do you get to keep Kuato?

Unknown said...

Dino! I am soo happy to hear this wonderful news! It's unbelievable that Kuato was 30 friggen pounds! With all the lunch work outs you did at Worlds, I'm sure that your 6 pack now has the room to shine on through! ;) YEAH!!!

Rhonda said...

That is freakin amazing! 30 Pounds? Man now that's a weight loss program.

Rest up and everyone here and at SOE is so excited that Kuato is gone!


Unknown said...

How to drop 30 pounds in 7 hours -- try and top that Richard Simmons!

Glad your visitor is gone. Rest up, my friend.

Unknown said...

Rest up Dino. Glad Kuato is no more, that little fucker!

lisa and damon said...

What a relief! I know there's still a lot of recovery to be done, but it's great to hear that that 30 pound (!) thing is gone.


Unknown said...

30 pounds, 30 pounds...couldn't get that out of my mind last night. That's like having a baby, man. Or like having a baby man. Either way, good riddance!!

Keep up the blog...I am sure we are all checking it many times a day. Take care, Dino...

LynnAJ said...

'almost' speechless and in tears (of pure joy and awe) at the moment for you, your family, and all of us out here, watching, reading, waiting for the word we can come jump on your bed!!
We are so privileged to watch you make a remarkable come-back through healing your bad self...
thanks for the great news - keep it comin' luv (wasn't that KC and the Sunshine Band?).
kisses from Kenwood (yes, i AM a dork),
Lynn and the Coremeister